3 Ways to Make Your Lips Silky Smooth and Soft

Winter months are upon us and cold weather can bring dry skin. I know that for me personally, I find it annoying when my lips are chapped and cracked. When you are constantly on the move it can be hard to remember to pack lip balm, that’s why I have three helpful things you can do to make your lips silky smooth and kiss-ably soft all the time!

Drink more water 


This may sound like a no brainer but surprisingly many do not attribute dry skin with dehydration. One of the main reasons our lips get chapped and dry are due to our low water intake. The more you hydrate your body, you'll find your lips more soft and supple. It also has many other benefits for your skin and body which can be read here:



 I've found that adding vaseline, coconut oil, or milking jelly to my lips before bed leaves them unbelievably soft, especially when I wake up first thing in the morning. Apply a moisturizer at night- especially a thick one can really last throughout the entire following day.

*Special note*

Want more overall hydration for your face? Here it is!


Make Your Own Lip Exfoliator


 I would recommend exfoliating your lips once a week. I like to make my own using equal parts coconut oil and sugar. Mix the two ingredients together until its a consistency you like. You can also use Crystallized honey as your lip scrub.

Now it’s your turn- Let me know which one works best for you!


