5 Ways To Get Rid Of Puffy Eyes

Lets face it, we all get puffy bags underneath our eyes once in a while. It can be caused from a number of things such as, allergies,  too much drinking,  smoking,  lack of sleep,  too much rubbing under the eyes which can break the blood vessels under our skin causing dark circles. How do we get rid of these dark circles for a more refreshed, awake look?

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Disclaimer – this post contains affiliate links to the products that I use and trust. This means I may receive a small commission (at no extra cost to you) if you make a purchase using any of my links below. Thank you for the support!

These natural eye remedies work due to the natural enzymes which reduce inflammation and tighten skin for a more flawless look. I recommend using your ring finger to lightly pat the mixture on your eyes. The skin around your eyes is super delicate and more susceptible to wrinkles if you are too rough!


Avocado eye mask

Eating avocados not only helps strengthen your eyes and cataracts due to having lutein which is known to improve eyesight. It also can reduce wrinkles and inflammation if put on topically. Here’s some other beauty enhancements you can do at home from the superfood avocados!

Directions for making avocado mixture:

  1. Wash Your Avocado To Get Rid Of The Wax, And Pesky Pesticides Lingering On The Skin. *You Can Find A Helpful DIY Produce Wash Here!*

  2. Slice Your Avocado In Half. 

  3. Scoop Out The Filling With A Spoon.

  4. Use a Utensil To Whip Into A Thick Paste. 

*(If You Have Food Allergies Or Super Sensitive Skin I'd Recommend Testing A Small Patch Of Skin Before Going All Out)*


Directions for making eye cream:

  1. Apply the whipped avocado mixture to your eye area. I recommend using your ring finger to lightly pat the mixture on your eyes. The skin around your eyes is super delicate!

  2. Close your eyes. I like to use a warm wash cloth to cover my eyes during this time (plus its super relaxing)

  3. Leave on skin for about 10-15 minutes and rinse off with warm water.

3. Follow up by dabbing a few drops of avocado oil around your eyes with your ring finger. One of my favorite oil brands Now brand because their products are effective and won’t break your bank account!

Tea bag method

After steeping your tea bag in hot water:

  1. apply the hot tea bag directly to your the area right underneath your eyes.

  2. Continue to hold it in place as you sip your tea.

  3. Take a few deep breathes and think about all the things you are grateful for…..feel your stress melt away!

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Bonus: The caffeine in the tea helps to tighten the skin around the eyes.

                     Wine method

As you sip your red wine:

  1. take a cotton ball and dip a small section into the red wine.

  2. Dab the moistened cotton ball directly to your bags to reduce the swelling.

Resveratrol which is found in wine can help improve broken blood vessels due to its anti-aging properties which are natural anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory. 

Tip: But don’t drink too much because that can cause dehydration which increases dark circles under the eyes!

                   Coffee grounds 

After brewing your coffee:

  1. take some of the loose grounds and apply them using your ring finger to your under eye area.

  2. let the grounds sit for 5-10 minutes or until dry

  3. Rinse off and pat dry

  4. Follow up with your normal skin care routine

Bonus: The caffeine in the coffee will help to tighten the skin around the eyes.

               Ice Cubes

In a rush to do the methods listed above?

  1. Just wrap an ice cube in a wash cloth or paper towel

  2. apply right to your under eye.

Bonus: This will constrict the blood vessels in your bags, thereby decreasing the swelling! Quick and easy fix!

Now its your turn- let me know how you decrease your under eye swelling?!

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